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Uradite to samo ako ste ozbiljan kupac.

How did you hear about us?

Choose the plan that's right for you and check the bouquets/countries of channels and VODs (depends on the storage space available on your device)

Are you a serious buyer? What is the discounted price of your chosen annual subscription plan?

Orange plan - 15.800 Live channels and 319.000 VODs - showing the number of Live channels and VODs in each group, make your selections (test period flexible)

Red plan - 13.000 Live channels and 57.000 VODs - showing the number of Live channels and VODs, make your selections (test period 24h)

White plan - 12.400 Live channels and 225.000 VODs - showing the number of Live channels and VODs, make your selections (test period flexible)

Blue plan 13.300 Live channels and 37.000 VODs - showing the number of Live channels and VODs, make your selections (test period flexible)

Purple plan - 15.000 Live channels and 141.000 VODs - showing the number of Live channels and VODs, make your selections (test period flexible)

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Zahtevajte prilagođenu plejlistu sa svojom odabranom grupom kanala

LIVE IPTV omogućava dnevna i nedeljna ažuriranja kanala podeljenih na grupe/zemlje, Svi američki i evropski sportovi uživo, PPV, 24×7 filmski kanali, dokumentarci, muzika, crtani filmovi, i još toga.

Predlažemo vam da izbegnete maltretiranje i često baferovanje sa improvizovanim ponudama i sličnim cenama od nepouzdanih provajdera IPTV kanala povezanih sa jeftinim i nestabilnim serverima.